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Case Study

Zenith Chain - Enhanced Decentralized
Network Security and Safety

About Zenith Chain

It's a new era for the funeral industry. Gone are the days of storing data on paper, where funeral directors had to worry about losing records and compliance was difficult. Funeral Diary, a new software program, stores your clients' data securely, and tracks any regulatory changes. So you know when to update your policies and procedures and can easily integrate with other programs, such as cremation equipment and flower shops.


Due to widespread investor acceptability, the crypto market capitalization has witnessed a remarkable uptrend, driving the market to more than tenfold in valuation in only a few years and encouraging and maintaining the speed of the rally. There are different types of digital currencies on the market today that have piqued the curiosity of the global community owing to the unique blockchain technology on which they are based

About Client

Our client wanted to create a decentralized trading platform that connects thousands of people worldwide. A quality integrated user experience using Blockchain technology. A website focused on making P2P purchases, trading, and transactions as safe and secure as possible.


We had to understand the industry issues to design this system: Historically, decentralized exchanges have struggled with trading volumes and market liquidity due to users' trust in authority and belief that operations are being monitored.

It was crucial to comprehend analysis to evaluate how it related to business. Traders are less likely to trade on exchanges with low volumes, which results in even lower liquidity. Traders avoid placing orders on exchanges with little liquidity because their trading strategies may not succeed.

The last challenge was that our client wanted the website to support a high number of users using the services at the same time while also offering a secure and safe peer-to-peer trading platform. Clients who need vendors' products will get connected with them. Also, the platform can handle over 40,000 online users simultaneously.


After determining our client's needs, Ekkel AI recruited a dedicated team of developers, QAs, and designers to ensure that the finished product meets our client's demands.

We were able to hire individuals with extensive blockchain technology skills to create an online website for peer-to-peer cryptocurrency exchanges.

The project timeline was short, so the team quickly chose the technology needed for their project to satisfy the client's needs.

Ekkel AI worked on another feature of Zenith Chain, a timestamp server that allows users to agree on a single history of the order in transactions received.

The timestamp server was designed and implemented to keep track of transactions to help build trust between buyers and sellers.

Ekkel AI efficiently assisted our clients in creating an online platform that helps them connect with other traders and get more information about market trends.

Services Provided


UI/UX Design

Backend Development

Frontend Development


Project Management

Quality Assurance








AWS Cloud


The Zenith Chain website is functioning with its fundamental features as required by the client within the timeline. The website is currently being developed to increase all of its features and draw in more users.

The Coin's decentralized, peer-to-peer architecture will allow it to transmit data regardless of boundaries or laws, and also carry out smart contracts, which would be difficult without Ekkel AI's high-octane and efficient process. Not only in banking but also in government services, healthcare, and data transfer.

There are many possibilities with this technology. The Proof of Stake Authority consensus now has 87 individuals participating, allowing Zenith Chain to generate blocks faster and with lower fees.

Zenith Chain provides native interoperability compatibility and offers security and user safety. We helped our client create a quality integrated user experience through Blockchain technology.

Key Statistics


unit circulating supply.


raised in seed funding

Clients Location

  • London

Ekkel AI Team

  • 2 Developers
  • 1 Designer
  • 2 QA


  • 2 months

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